Transformative Rolfing® Sessions Tailored to You

Discover the Benefits of Advanced Structural Integration

Rolfing Structural Integration is a supportive bodywork system that uses varied pressures on your connective tissues to enhance your body function and awareness. Research shows it can boost muscle efficiency, conserve energy, and improve movement. It also reduces stress and enhances body structure. Experience Advanced Structural Integration with me as your guide in Tucson, AZ!

What Sessions Are Like


Preparing for Your Rolfing Session

A typical Rolfing session begins with a conversation about your goals, progress, and any concerns you may have. Afterward, you'll have the opportunity to privately change into your "Rolfing Uniform," which can be underwear, bathing suit or shorts and a shirt—whatever feels most comfortable for you. When you return to the studio, I will observe how you move and stand to plan the work for our session.

The Interactive Rolfing Experience

During the hands-on work, you'll lay on a massage table while I utilize a spectrum of touch to assess, engage, and influence your connective tissues. Rolfing is an active partnership between the client and the practitioner. I will ask you to engage with the work through your self-awareness and through the movement cues I provide.


Empowering Rolfing Sessions for Body and Mind

Sessions with me last for 60-75 minutes from arrival to departure. We will end the session with integrative work that involves organizing the myofascia of your neck, the characteristic sacral cradle, and often some "back work" on the Rolfing bench. Clients frequently tell me they leave a Rolfing session feeling grounded, relaxed, at ease, energized, and/or uplifted.


Let’s Elevate Your Alignment!